September 2, 2009


Ok, so I fail yet again. I should have written last week, but didn't. very simple reason for that though; I don't have my own computer! Becauuuse Euronics are slow bastards. I only handed it in to be fixed (given a brand new harddisk most likely) when was it? oh yeah, mid July. has to take 2 months, obviously. Brother has made the shop promise to send the laptop to me here in England free of charge, because it's their own mess that's made it take so bloody long. it's currently in Oslo though. Naturally. (WTF?!)
Sooo yeah, as I usually spend a fair amount of time writing these things, and I don't want to run off with Bex's laptop for more than a few minutes to check the essential, blog entries have been put further down on the list of priorities.
Now, however, I am in the living room of the Locker (YAY), the other two mad chicks have gone to bed, and as I was checking my usual pages, I thought I might write a little something here. Not anything super exciting though, sorry about that. whoever out there reads this thing:P

But I'm in Falmouth and loving it:D feel strangely domestic after painting living room, doing washing up, putting rubbish out, doing loads of food shopping and some cooking, plus the highly exciting blackberry picking (in a graveyard, ofcourse), but it's great:D

and whoever hasn't; go check out it's the best website since facebook became mainstream. Our little household so far has gotten of there: a desk for me, a nice furry rug, a smallish table, some cushions, a deskish table, an armchair and Doc Marten boots for Bex. for free. A couple of them has included adventures by foot around the Falmouth area finding houses with things like small train statues and fake cockerels outside them, but so worth it. Excercise and free stuff! yay!

and this is for my mother: you've said how you think my extreme messyness might change as soon as I got my own place to care for. you were right. I have an urge to hoover. sort of:P

and my lovely goth blackberries. I am in love with this graveyard/cemetery by the way. the newest grave I've seen there is from the 1920's I think. the oldest from early 19th century. It's great. in daylight, anyway.

August 18, 2009

life life life

I have a plan to make this blog regular again, possibly every monday, wahey.
(lets see if i get more readers then? :P)
Life is good at the moment, although it vaguely feels like it's been on hold all summer. My life seems to be in Falmouth at the moment, and everything I do here is vaguely connected to that.
I'm working to have money to have a life there. I'm working in my sketchbook which is uni work. I'm making things for our house (Silje, Bex, Vera and Faye <3> the Locker)
I think about the future and things we might do, and to be honest, I feel a little like a 14 year old girl with a crush. It reminds me of a quote i read years and years ago, cliche, but still:
"The Future is so Bright, I've got to wear shades".

Cliche, right? and it might be silly to feel like this about going to study....:P
But I'm studying to get my dream job (Illustration<3),I'm doing so living in an awesome house with 3 of the most awesome people I know, after a spring that was wonderful and fun, but draining and stressful. I'm recharged now, and ready for what the future holds! :D (amongst other things, Placebo concert in December, and possible Lanzarote trip with said 3 wonderful girls)
I just can't wait to get out of here, and back to where my heart is at the moment.

But back to the things I've made lately!

I'm having a craft explosion, that started with the thought of making some pillows for our living room. I now have maybe 15 regular pillows made of the random fabrics we had here, 3 strings of bunting (<3), and my pride and joy, the triangular shaped owl pillows made as us:D

it's the Bex owl, the Silje owl, the Vera owl and the Faye owl. :D.

I might be in love with something I have made myself. Thanks to Bex, for helping me come up with the idea! ^^
I also seem to have refound my style, and am, believe it or not, enjoying my summer project. If only I had more time on it. 25 double pages to go, hand in 13th September. Yikes.
But no matter what happens, bring on the future I say!
And even if I'm in love with Falmouth at the moment, I do love Norway too.

February 18, 2009

I feel kinda old

It's weird, to be able to say "yes, we're looking for a house". A house? isn't that a terribly adult thing to do? Well, it might be. hence why I feel old....XD

This year, I'm living in halls of recidence. Next year however, they throw us out, and we have to find our own place to live. I like the idea of my own place, but anyway:P
It's so much work, finding us a place! Sorting out who to live with (Bex, Vera and Faye:)), looking at lists of houses online, arranging meetings (thanks Bex!!!!), and choosing. Knowing what to look for and what to beware of is not the easiest thing in the world for somebody who's never done this before!

And then there's the gut feeling vs. your brain, and what one to go for, and ahhhh! We fell in love with this house, but today saw another great one, and are trying for that one, but what if, in reality, the other one is better? what do we do if we get neither of them?
I just know that I'll be really happy once this is all over, and I can say that I have a place to live next year!

It will hopefully be in either Tortuga or Jack..........:P

And on a different subject, I have no clue how the hell I'm gonna be able to finish my current project, due on Monday. aaaaaaahhhh. Stupid annoying map project and being in the middle of so many other important things....BAH! ah well. I'll just try and get something together that looks like a final piece of artwork:P

on that happy note, I leave you! XD

February 15, 2009

Sunday Scribbles

I like days when I've been out the night before, and wake up not hungover at all:) even if I slept til 2.30, and am still in bed writing this, when I should be doing work:P (I will, soon).
Yesterday was a fun night. 5 crazy people who don't like valentine's much going crazy in one of said people's room with music and rum+coke. ahhh rum, you awesome beverage, you always end up being gone!

current things on my to do list:
-making my dreadfalls, yay (done 5 of 60ish)
-do work on these things: -"maps" (deadline in a little over a week, haven't started properly)
-Illustrated book. eeep.
-Location drawing aka visual diary.
-get more ink so I can print out pictures to scrap! :D (even if I shouldnt....:P)
-wash clothes. I'm starting to lack things.

way to many of these are uni work, and still I'm in bed. writing on my blog....
ah well, hope you're having a nice day!

February 7, 2009

This Blog is not dead! XD

yeah. been a while, eh? :P
In the process of moving to England, starting Uni and trying to be a good student, I forgot about this little thing here:P but I'm back! hoho.
thought a good way to start would be with a little challenge:)

This is the Challenge:

1. go to my pictures

2.choose the 6th folder

3.then the 6h picture

4.Make a new blog entry, where you post the picture and write something about it

5. send the challenge to 6 friends, link them and tell them about the challenge.

allright. lol. this is random! XD
well, I was visiting friends from my gap year/folk high school in Bergen, Norway. this a little over a year ago, late January 08. This is Sarah, Sigrid and Karina. <3
All drunk in some way or another. This is also the day after I took my snakebite piercings. :D drinking right after 2 piercings in the lip? I'm very clever. XD
I love these guys!! ^^